Welcome Address from ISSBD’s President Dr. Tina Malti

Tina Malti

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the beautiful city of Lisbon for the 2024 Conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD).

As the president of the ISSBD, I’m thrilled to bring together talented, dedicated, and passionate developmentalists from around the world to share their latest research, discuss current trends, and explore new directions in the field.

Historically, our Society has been committed to supporting research that facilitates a deepened understanding and improvement of positive human development across the lifespan in diverse contexts around the world. Although we currently live in a world that is vulnerable to factors that threaten positive developmental outcomes (e.g., war, famine, social injustice, climate change), a shared sense of humanity, emotional bonding, and deep interpersonal respect remains possible. It is this push-and-pull between positive and negative intrapersonal, interpersonal, intra-cultural, and inter-cultural factors that makes the study of lifespan development both a challenge and a worthwhile joy. With a focus on people, places, and practices, we unite developmentalists of all backgrounds in a science that cares. As such, this conference represents an important and exciting opportunity for us to exchange ideas, engage in lively discussions, and make substantive contributions to reinventing the meaning of the human journey in a new, shared world.

In line with the goals of the ISSBD, Lisbon is a city that embodies the spirit of innovation and progress. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and dynamic academic community, I am confident that this conference will be both intellectually stimulating and socially engaging. I therefore encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to explore the city, connect with colleagues, and learn from each other.

I look forward to meeting with you in Lisbon and to a productive and engaging conference.

With Warm Wishes,
Tina Malti, Ph.D.
ISSBD President